Life After PRIME with Juana Osborne

Hear from our vendors as they navigate life after PRIME.

Can you introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about your business?

My name is Juana Osborne, owner and creator of “Woven Wick”. This is a Montserrat based business seeking to create a legacy by producing high quality scented products, mainly focused on candle production at present, uniquely curated to stimulate your senses with spellbinding aromas and reimagine your definition of luxury. We also cater to orders of memorabilia for your special events, to include weddings, baby showers and christenings


What motivated you to participate in P.R.I.M.E.?

Honestly, close friends and family were the key motivators in me signing up for PRIME. After investing in myself and playing around blending fragrances, I discovered a true passion for crafting the candles just as much as having them. It also didn’t hurt realizing I was actually quite good at it too.

How has participating in P.R.I.M.E. impacted your business?

The Impact PRIME has had on my business has been quite positive, it has opened my business to new opportunities. It has also encouraged me to produce my product to the highest standard, from materials straight down to packaging.

Did you notice an increase in sales or customer interest after the expo?

Since PRIME has allowed my business/product to reach new eyes, there had been an increase in sales, inquires and, even just as important, an increase in supporters whether through social media shares, or just word of mouth exposure after the expo.

What advice would you give to new vendors considering participating in P.R.I.M.E.?

A piece of advice I would give new vendors in PRIME is, despite being grateful for the exposure and increase in sales, don’t forget to take time for yourself still, to ensure that you do not lose passion for the product you are creating, a loss of passion may result in a drop in quality.

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